SDR Care is a provider of Adult Specialist Care based in the Southern Counties of England. We operate eight homes for adults with Learning Difficulties and Autism in Hampshire and East Sussex which operate under our In Chorus and Autism & Aspergers companies.
Our aim is always to provide the highest level of support to adults with Learning Difficulties and Autism living in residential settings or their own homes.
Our residents or service users home is treated as their own and that they are offered freedom & opportunity;
Our services recognise the individual and the specific support someone with Learning Difficulties and Autism needs, but always puts the word “individual” first;
Our service supports an environment that understands Learning Difficulties and Autism and where residents / service users feel safe, secure and valued;
Our support offers a life as a fully participative member of the local community where they are shown dignity, respect and valued as individuals in their own right;
A life where educational, occupational, social inclusion, travel and recreational opportunities are offered and are specific to each individual;
A life where the individual is offered opportunity, challenges and is given every chance to be as independent as they possibly can, whilst also recognising how Learning Difficulties and Autism can impact on their everyday lives;
Realistic goals and development plans that are subject to quality assurance and review;
The service recognises all behaviour as a form of communication and practices sound positive behaviour support (PBS);
The service supports an environment where the service users are encouraged to make choices regarding their lives and staff respect these choices;
Our staff team receive regular training, supervision and support to be able to meet the needs of the service users.