Monthly meetings are held in fully accessible halls with hearing loops.
The u3a is a unique and exciting self-help educational movement for people no longer in full-time work.
We meet on the first Thursday of every month. We always have an interesting speaker and raffle.
A free cup of tea or coffee is always offered.
We send a printed newsletter to all members 3 times year. April, August and December.
For the other months we publish an email bulletin.
A system of Telephone Pals is in place so that members without email are kept up to date.
Our meetings are held at The Meridian Centre, Peacehaven.
We are looking to hold some of our meetings in Newhaven but we have not been able yet to find a large enough venue available on our meeting days
We have a great variety of interest groups, more than 30 in total, covering the arts, literature, card and board games, practical skills and discussion.
The Lunch Bunch eat out regularly.
Trips are taken to the theatre and to places of interest.
We are always pleased to see new faces and invite any potential member to attend a monthly meeting without commitment.
New members are allocated a buddy when they attend their first monthly meeting.
Community House, Peacehaven, BN10 8BB, UK
Hillcrest Community Centre, Bay Vue Rd, Newhaven BN9 9LH, UK
Monthly meetings are held in fully accessible halls with hearing loops.
Last Updated on 14th June 2024
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