Phone or Text: 07410 251528
Newhaven Green Centre CIC is an organisation aiming to make it easy for people to live ‘greener’ lifestyles and save money at the same time.
It was founded by Newhaven residents keen to reduce waste by reuse and recycling, and reduce consumption by encouraging sharing.
We have a number of projects to achieve all this. Firstly, we run a Library of Things, where you can borrow household items for free, in the same way that you borrow books from the main library.
We’ll have a stock of camping and catering equipment, basic tools, baby items and more – all the stuff that you only need a few times a year, but costs money to buy and is a pain to store.
We also have a Repair Café – an opportunity to bring your broken household items to our panel of experts to see if they can fix them for free, and teach you some of their skills at the same time!
If you have any useful stuff that you don’t need any more, but isn’t good enough to go to a charity shop, you’ll be able to leave it on our Bring & Take table for others to take. Half-finished tins of paint, books with torn covers – they’re all useful to someone!
We will also have information about how to reuse and recycle items which aren’t accepted in the Council’s kerbside recycling collection. And where possible, we will point members of the public to organisations and individuals that can make use of their ‘waste’.
If you want to know more about the Newhaven Green Centre (or have items you can donate to the Sharing Library) please email us.
We are always on the look out for more volunteers. If you’re interested in joining our growing
team do get in touch by emailing [email protected]
High Street, Newhaven BN9 9PA, UK
Phone or Text: 07410 251528
Last Updated on 11th June 2024
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