01323 896009
Live youth club 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Our youth club for Years 3 to 6 runs every Friday night (in term time). We have a variety of activities such as Football, pool, table football, table tennis, Xbox 360, PS3, craft zones and a tuck shop. Towards the end we have a short 15 min talk around a different topic each week but this also includes a fun group game. Admission is just £1.50 a night (this includes some sweets and a drink!).
Illumin8 7.00-8.30pm
Illumin8 is for Secondary school Year 7 - 11 and runs every Friday night. We have a variety of activities available such as football, games, pool, table football, table tennis, Xbox, PS3, a tuck shop/cafe, free advice, encouragement and guidance with our experienced youth workers. We have a brief 15 min talk at the beginning which would be based on a different topic each week accompanied by a game such as office chair racing. The entry fee is £1.50 (does not include tuck shop/cafe).
Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford, BN25 2EE
01323 896009
Last Updated on 19th February 2024
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