0300 365 2000 (option 4)
Free NHS mental health service for ex-military personnel, reservists and service leavers in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
Whether you want to speak to others who understand what it’s like to adjust to civilian life or feel you need to speak to a professional about your wellbeing, our team are on hand.
We apply our understanding of mental health and military life to empower you to access a wide range of services.
Mental health difficulties can show in many different ways. We offer treatment and support that is tailored to you and your situation.
We provide the information so that you can make an informed decision about the help you receive and we take an active role in getting you to the right service.
Military life is about the whole family and having relatives’ understanding and compassion can make all the difference to your recovery.
Mental health can affect the whole family and we can help friends and family to:
0300 365 2000 (option 4)
Last Updated on 10th January 2024
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