01424 717981
Seaview offers a peer led innovative project that uses peer support and activities to aid and support recovery. We work with those who experience co-existing mental health and substance misuse issues, some of whom will be in recovery or may want to take their first steps onto a recovery pathway.
RADAR is growing to become countywide continuing its aim to activate and support recovery in our clients however that might look to each individual. RADAR workshops and activities are delivered with consistency and enthusiasm. The RADAR ethos is to develop in a way that is client led, listening to service users wants and needs and creating from that point.
We offer a range of interesting activities which include art, music, singing, wellbeing group, mens group, womens group, pool tournaments to name a few.
RADAR uses creativity, arts, music, personal reflection and peer support, ideas and activities to initiate our programme of recovery activities. The groups are led by employed Peer Facilitators and volunteer Peer Leaders who have themselves, family or friends; experienced the process of recovery. RADAR is an acronym for:
RADAR Workers work with individuals on a 1-1 basis and in groups, they often introduce the 5 Ways to Wellbeing in their work to help improve mental health and wellbeing.
The 5 Ways of Wellbeing are: connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give.
If you experience mental health and substance misuse issues and would like to get involved with RADAR please come into Seaview or contact us.
Hatherley Road, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN37 6LB, UK
01424 717981
Last Updated on 23rd August 2024
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