0300 555 2222
The Stop Loan Sharks team are here to help you. We are the only government agency in the UK who have the power to investigate and prosecute loan sharks and illegal money lenders.
You are not in trouble if you have borrowed cash or have been paying back a loan from an illegal money lender, the loan shark is. They are the people committing a crime, not you.
By looking on our website you will take the first step to getting your life back and managing your money and debts. We will keep you safe while we investigate the loan shark.
You can report a loan shark or illegal money lender to us in full confidence and completely anonymously. After you have reported a loan shark to us we will ring you, if you want us to at a time to suit you and talk to you about what has happened.
0300 555 2222
Last Updated on 22nd April 2024
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