Sunday morning worship at 10.45am with coffee served in the Foyer from 10am
First Tuesday at 7.30pm Encountering God - an informal time of worship with the music group
Wednesday Foodbank in the lower hall at 1-3pm. A Churches Together Initiative
Thursday From Easter to Christmas, Coffee Plus in the Foyer. Homemade cakes, good coffee and a time to relax and, if wanted, receive prayer or pastoral care 9.30am to 12 noon.
Every third Thursday, Engage - just for men and Connect - just for ladies. A pub meal and time to talk. Various venues, email us for details. All men and ladies welcome.
Friday Butterfly Club for toddlers and their carers. Call in and talk to Penny.
1st Saturday of each month at 9am, Saturday Prayers on Zoom. Email [email protected]for an invitation.
Every other Saturday night Street Pastors on duty in the town. A Churches Together initiative.
During the week a number of House groups meet in various homes. You would be welcome to join a group, so speak to Fiona who will suggest a suitable one for you.