Please contact the organisation for information
We are a team of staff dedicated to offering a multitude of services for the elderly, housebound and lonely of all ages, including volunteer befrienders, a free home library service for the housebound, the sale of equipment aids and form filling. We also have an approved list of self employed outworkers for odd jobs, cleaning and gardening as well as domiciliary carers. We also offer a Community Car service for medical appointments as well as our Dial-A-Ride bus for trips around town. If you would like an information pack on all the services we provide, including a membership application form, please contact our office.
We rely heavily on volunteers and support from the local Community – without them there would be no Bexhill Caring Community.
For a yearly membership of £30, clients have full access to all our services. Costs for these services can be advised by our office.
Western Road, Bexhill-on-Sea TN40 1DU, UK
Please contact the organisation for information
01424 215116
Last Updated on 16th August 2024
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