Battle Ramblers are an affiliated ramblers club who walk every Sunday morning within 10 to 15 miles of Battle. Paid-up members (only £5.00 per year) receive the three monthly Walks Programme and Rambling On reports. Walkers should ensure they are fit enough for the advertised distance and have suitable off-road clothing and footwear. We invite those interested to join us for a couple of walks before becoming members. Walkers under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Battle Ramblers usually meet at the walk start point at 10:00am. Walks are from 4 to 8 miles in length and are usually circular. Full details of the Walks Programme are posted on our Battle Station noticeboard inside the ticket office and on Battle Town Council noticeboards.
It is advisable to contact the Walks Co-odinator (via the website contact page) if not a member to ensure you can join us.