Brighton and Hove Fencing Club
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B&HFC has been in existence for over 50 years, and remains a traditional fencing club in that we start beginners with the french style non-electric foil.
We cater for all levels of fencing, from beginners through to those who compete at international level.
Unlike many clubs, we do not specialise in one weapon.
After starting with the foil, to learn the basic moves, most fencers soon find which weapon they prefer, and stay with it. Others like to ring the changes.
We have close links with other local fencing clubs, in particular with Sussex University, which brings us visiting fencers from all over the world.
The evening starts off with a short group warm-up and footwork session, while the less energetic start setting up the electronic scoring apparatus.
There is then the option to join group instruction sessions, or have individual coaching lessons.
Others practice fight using the electric equipment. The fencers take turns in refereeing the matches.
The senior fencers give advice on tactics, and refereeing. Some members only fence at this club, but as we meet only once per week, some also fence elsewhere, and compete in local and national competitions.
The club Training Sessions take place at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy every Thursday Evening from 7pm to 9.30pm
Training at: Brighton Aldridge Community Academy Lewes Road Brighton BN1 9PW, Brighton, BN1 9PW
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Last Updated on 10th January 2025