07746 185927
Brighton Permaculture Trust promotes greener lifestyles and sustainable development through design via courses, events and projects in Brighton and Hove and East Sussex.
Courses include ¬ÅBuilding Sustainable Communities¬, the permaculture design course, as well as short introductory & practical courses all of which promote permaculture and sustainability and a series of eco-build courses in partnership with Low Carbon Trust.
Brighton Permaculture Trust promotes the growing, harvesting and eating of local food through their LAND plot at Stanmer Organics, harvesting and processing local fruit that would otherwise go to waste and through planting and maintaining community and school orchards.
Events include the annual Green Architecture Day in Brighton as well as volunteering and family events at Stanmer Park and Racehill Community Orchard.
Volunteering opportunities: See our website for details
SE Regional Reps for Permaculture Association (UK)
The Fruit Factory, Stanmer Village, Brighton, BN1 9PZ
07746 185927
Last Updated on 6th November 2023
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