01825 830 413
We are a friendly village club located on the Town Croft in the centre of Hartfield along side the village Cricket Green.
The tennis club have two hard courts on the Croft, in the centre of the village. There is activity most evenings and through the weekends year round. You will even find tennis being played on Boxing Day - subject to the depth of snow! With the latest technology floodlights on one of the courts, play continues late into the evenings.
Founded in 1965 as a members only club we welcome new members of all standards - whether you are keen to play competitively, socially or are completely new to the game - there is something for everyone.
The club is affiliated with the Lawn Tennis Association.
Hartfield Tennis club, Town Croft, Hartfield, TN7 4AG
01825 830 413
Last Updated on 9th June 2024
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