01424 723011
We are a small, passionate team with specialist knowledge of the High Weald landscape and a strong belief in joint working at a national and local level to meet the needs of protected landscapes and their communities.
Since our establishment in 1992 we have worked collaboratively to produce the High Weald AONB Management Plan, develop an evidence base for AONB policy, guide decisions on the management of the area's special features, raise the area's profile and develop and deliver large-scale multi-disciplinary projects, such as the £3.3million Weald Forest Ridge Landscape Partnership Scheme.
The team offers expertise in: multi-disciplinary protected area planning and management; historic landscape research; research syntheses; landscape characterisation; landscape planning; landscape management; business strategy and project plan production; partnership development and management; grant-aid administration; grant-aid applications; recreation and tourism projects; land management projects and heritage interpretation.
Visit the website for further information.
Woodland Enterprise Centre, Hastings Rd, Flimwell, Wadhurst, TN5 7PR
01424 723011
Last Updated on 3rd May 2024
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