0300 303 1171
Our vision is to create a sustainable resource centre which champions the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community in Brighton and Hove and support BME communities and their families. Our aim as an infrastructure organisation is to promote community cohesion. Staff and Trustees aim to offer affordable and welcoming space for the community, for training, meetings and cultural events.
Our aim is to fulfil our long-term dream of opening a community cafe and to roll out a much-needed internet hub. By choosing the BMECP centre for your training and events, you will be helping us to keep the centre sustainable so that we can fund these initiatives.
As a not for profit organisation we do not have shareholders to answer to, we are funded by the Social Investment Business and Brighton and Hove City Council. When you book a room or office at the BMECP centre, the monies are reinvested back into the centre to pay for our fantastic staff, cleaners and to pay for the general running of the centre. Our overall aim is to acquire enough surplus funds to not only be sustainable but also to fund our own in house projects, including training and events to provide support for the BME community.
0300 303 1171
Last Updated on 13th February 2024
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