Please contact the organisation for information
We are members of the Church of England which has borne witness to Christian truth in the Thirty-Nine Articles, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Ordinal. The Articles are a treasure of the Protestant Reformation with their teaching on God and Scripture (numbers 1-8), Faith and Works (9-18), Church and Sacraments (19-31), Discipline and Witness (32-39).
We serve the parish of St Mark's. This is part of the Deanery of Battle and Bexhill which, in turn, is part of the Diocese of Chichester. As part of the worldwide Anglican Communion we rejoice in the growth of the church (so strong in the developing world) and stand with believers who suffer for their faith today.
Church Office, Green Lane, Bexhill-on-sea, TN39 4BZ
Please contact the organisation for information
01424 843733
Last Updated on 11th March 2024
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