07918 759664
To get a food voucher for Worthing Foodbank, please get in touch with one of the organisations listed below. They will then be able to give you advice and issue a food voucher.
Help through Hardship
Citizens Advice and the Trussell Trust have come together to develop a free helpline for people struggling to afford the basics. The helpline offers personalised advice and support to help address the underlying causes of the hardship, as well as a quick and seamless referral to the Foodbank.
Tel: 0808 208 2138
Get advice from trained advisors who will help you to address your crisis, provide support and provide you with a referral to get a food parcel.
Tel: 0808 278 7969
Guildbourne Centre, Worthing BN11 1LZ, UK
07918 759664
Last Updated on 25th March 2024
None of the Organisations on ESCIS have been ‘vetted’ by ESCIS or East Sussex County Council. Except those registered with Ofsted, you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with the use of any information on ESCIS.