Orthoptics NHS East Sussex
- Overview
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Orthoptists are Allied Health Professionals who investigate and treat conditions affecting the eye in adults and children, such as squints, ocular motility disorders (problems with eye muscle movement), vision defects including amblyopia (lazy eye), double vision, and binocular single vision problems (difficulty using the eyes together as a pair). Orthoptists are also involved in assessing patients with glaucoma and cataracts.
Orthoptic treatments include:
- Occlusion therapy with either a patch or drops to help improve reduced vision (lazy eye or amblyopia)
- Prisms to help join double vision
- Lenses to either alter the angle of a squint or/and help to improve vision.
- Exercises to help the eyes work together as a pair.
How do I get referred?
- Through your GP
- By one of the doctors or Ophthalmologists at the hospital
- If your GP considers your case to be urgent, you may be seen via the Primary Care Clinic (eye casualty)
- We also have a direct referral pathway with the Stroke team.
We hold Orthoptic clinics at
- Bexhill Hospital
- Conquest Hospital, Hastings
- Eastbourne District General Hospital
- Bridge Side Surgery, Hailsham: 1 Western Rd, BN27 3DG, 01323 441234
- Crowborough War Memorial Hospital: Southview Close, TN6 1HB, 01892 652284
- Seaford Health Centre: Dane Road, BN25 1DH, 01323 490022
The Orthoptist will always try to offer you an appointment as close to your home address as possible, however the community clinics are only suitable for seeing certain cases.
Areas served
- East Sussex