01273 481 625
Young people aged over 16 and in school year 12 and above do not automatically get free school transport. This also applies to those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We provide travel assistance to students over 16 with SEND, whose circumstances could stop them from getting to school or college. We will assess the situation of anyone who applies for travel assistance to decide whether to provide support.
If the application for travel assistance is approved, the parent or carer will be required to contribute to the costs.
The following criteria must be met for an application to be considered.
The student must:
We will then consider the circumstances of the student, their family, and their broader network. This will help us to decide whether it is necessary to provide travel assistance. Parents or carers will be expected to prioritise transporting the student over other commitments.
Further information on how we decide who gets travel assistance can be found in:
If you require further information or support, please contact Discretionary Transport.
Lewes, UK
01273 481 625
Last Updated on 17th November 2023
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