For pupils of Polegate School only. Lots of different activities on offer such as board games, computers, homework sessions. Often have themed activities and swimming session in the summer term. Price includes a snack of fruit juice, toast and yoghurts. Also afterschool club runs until 6pm each day.
7.30am start £4.50; 8am start £4. 10% sibling discount. 10% discount for pupils attending both Breakfast and Afterschool clubs.
Mon-Fri 7.30am or 8am until school start, 38 weeks per year.
Wraparound childcare
Wraparound childcare is before and after school childcare for primary school aged children in England. The provision typically runs before school from 8am and after school until 6pm, during term time, either on a school site or another local setting such as a community centre, a nursery, or a childminder. This is different from out-of-school activities, or school clubs, which are less frequent and can be a one-off activity.