07791 856109
We are a homely, nurturing, flexible environment. It is a setting for a maximum 30 children where all ages play together. Through the day the children have time in their own age groups where children are encouraged to be independent, prepare them for school and learn communication skills. We help them achieve their potential wherever their starting point. It has a big garden, separate area for babies, sensory area and offers home cooked food. The team is led by a manager with a degree in Early Years, 30yrs experience and extensive knowledge of SEN. Her team are highly qualified staff with teaching experience.
£6.50 per hour 7mths-2 year olds, 2 yrs- 8yrs - £6.00 per hour, £2.10 Lunch home cooked food
Monday to Friday 7.30am-5.30pm
Registered for 9mo - 2yr old EYEE funding
Registered for 2 year old EYEE funding
Registered for 3/4 year old EYEE funding
BN20 8QX
07791 856109
07485 147294
Last Updated on 16th August 2024
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