01273 886200
At Brighton & Hove we believe everyone has the right to travel with ease and comfort. Our purpose is to give those we serve the freedom to connect with the people and places they value most so that they can live their lives to the full.
Brighton & Hove currently operate 222 buses across a network of 73 routes with 2,000 bus stops, serving the urban area of Brighton and Hove and connecting the city to Crowborough, Eastbourne, Lewes and Tunbridge Wells. Metrobus our sister company currently operate 125 buses across 50 routes through Sussex, Surrey and Kent. Between the two companies, our passengers made 29 million passenger journeys during the year which is more bus journeys per head of the population than anywhere in the UK outside of London.
We also operate a private coach hire service called Spirit of Sussex and Brighton City Sightseeing.
01273 886200
Last Updated on 7th June 2024
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