01273 291924
Find out if you can get taxi vouchers, how to apply for them and which taxi companies you can use them with.
If you live in Brighton & Hove, are of fare paying age and are unable to use public transport, you may be eligible for taxi vouchers.
We are able to issue £70 worth of taxi vouchers each year (£35 if applying after 1 October) and these will be valid until the following April.
If you currently have a valid bus pass you must return it before the taxi vouchers can be given to you. You cannot re-apply for a bus pass within the period for which the taxi vouchers have been issued. The current period is from 1 April to the 31 March.
If your condition improves and you can use public transport again, we'll give you another bus pass providing you give back any unused taxi vouchers.
If your condition changes again and you can't use public transport the following issuing period, you can give back your bus pass and have taxi vouchers again. However, an option to change back to a bus pass again during the same issuing period won't be allowed
Apply for taxi vouchers
To be eligible for taxi vouchers you must be unable to use public transport and meet one of the criteria:
If none of the above apply to you then we will require supporting evidence from a medical professional confirming you are unable to use public transport.
To apply you will also need:
If you are sending documents by post please only send photocopies. Brighton & Hove City Council cannot be held responsible for documents that are lost in the post.
The customer service counter is closed.
You can still:
Brighton, Brighton and Hove, UK
01273 291924
Last Updated on 17th April 2024
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